Karma sutra position list pdf

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Salutation to Dharma, Artha, and the Kama, Observations on the three worldly attainments of Virtue, Wealth, and Love, On the study of the Sixty-four Arts.

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ON THE MEANS OF ATTRACTING OTHERS TO ONESELF INDEX, AND GENERAL CONSIDERATION OF THE SUBJECT INTRODUCTION AND CONCLUDING REMARKS Illustrated. Translated from the Sanskrit by The Hindoo Kama Shastra Society, COMPLETE IN SEVEN PARTS with PREFACE. It is, however, advisable to furnish here a brief analysis of works of the exact nature, prepared by authors who lived and wrote years after Vatsya had passed away, but who still considered him as the great authority, and always quoted him as the chief guide to Hindoo erotic literature. While the introduction will deal with the evidence concerning the date of the writing, and the commentaries written upon it, the chapters following the introduction will give a translation of the work itself. In the present publication, it is proposed to give a complete translation of what is considered the standard work on love in Sanscrit literature, which is called the “Vatsya yana Kama Sutra,” or Aphorisms on Love, by Vatsyayana. Everywhere the subject is dealt with differently, and from various points of view. In the literature of all countries, there will be found a certain number of works treating especially of love.

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